5-Day Weekend Marriage Intensives
The Ministry "Crown Jewel" Since 2007
Helping Troubled Couples go from Misery to Outrageously Happy
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You know what it means to have misery in your marriage. You have been there, done that; still doing that - or your wouldn't be reading this right now!
Imagine instead, living each and every day with peace and FEELINGS of love between the 2 of you.
Imagine a marriage that truly is your safe place. Your happy place.
Imagine having the type of relationship that you had when you were dating.
If Joel and Kathy can do it, so can you. Join us. We will show you the way!
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Five Foundational Keys to Having an Outrageously Happy Marriage
by Joel & Kathy Davisson
Joel and Kathy handpicked over 120 pages from their bestseller, "The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!" to create this life changing e-book. This information has sparked miracles in marriages all over the world and is available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:
- The #1 Secret Key to an Outrageously Happy Marriage
- How to Understand Your Wife's Heart
- The 3 Worst Myths that Destroy Christian Marriages
- The Truth about Love in Marriage - You Have Probably Been Doing This All Wrong!
- How to Have Great Sex for a Lifetime!

Are you sick and tired of being STUCK?
We help Married Christian Leaders and Couples in marriage crisis who feel frustrated, unsupported, and alone in their marriage finally transform into an outrageously happily married "power couple" who genuinely enjoy the presence, power, and love of God.
Ignoring a problem never makes it go away… it only makes things worse, and ultimately harder to solve. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place to jumpstart your life! The difference between staying where you are indefinitely or getting a divorce; and instead, moving forward to realize your potential for an outrageously happy marriage, is all about taking action.

Did you know there is a sequence to SUCCESS?
Success in a crisis marriage is defined as going from crisis to happy. It means the end of abuse, arguments, pornography, adultery, abandonment and the like. Success in transforming a crisis marriage "From Misery to Outrageously Happy" doesn’t happen by chance. When you combine the right information with precise implementation and accountability you get rapid transformation!
We have identified that right information that any couple can follow to achieve outstanding results - an outrageously happy marriage!
In life there are always going to be ups and downs. What if you could learn how to make the up times in your marriage last—and minimize or eliminate the down times? We provide solutions that do just that. We are "Livin' it and Lovin' it!" If Joel and Kathy can do it, so can you!
We can help you achieve success in your marriage - faster, and with fewer setbacks. Don’t take our word for it… we’ll prove it to you!
We have the proven resources, coaching and mentoring ability to transform your marriage from misery to outrageously happy. From our 5-Day Weekend Marriage Intensives to online courses, group marriage phone calls and more, we create change from the inside out. We offer a wide array of mentoring, coaching, and training built on the correct and timeless principles in the Word of God that get results. (This is not "wife submit to your husband, follow his leadership and respect him even if he does not deserve it." That message created a 50% divorce rate in the body of Christ.)
We have been teaching mutual submission, mutual respect, mutual honor and team leadership to thousands of couples over the last 20 years. The message is 100% scriptural - it is the CORRECT message from the Word of God, and it WORKS!
Even in the face of adultery, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse, narcissism, pornography, adultery, husbands not initiating sex, wives refusing to have sex - even in the face of these type of problems, we have seen success with 100's of couples going from a crisis, miserable marriage to outrageously happy!
One of our FREE resources is a PDF copy of our "500 Testimonies" book. Many other testimonies are scattered throughout our books, past websites and emailed newsletters. We don't have couples sent to us with "small" or "minor" marriage problems. (We can only wish! Lol.) ALL of our couples were facing serious issues. Most have been to many counselors, conferences, seminars and the like - with no success. Some have actually been divorced, many were in process of divorce, others just discovered adultery by their spouse. Our challenge to them - and to you - is "Give it one more shot. Let us be the final stop." If you work with us, you will have the best possibility of a marriage TRANSFORMATION. We will be with you every step of the way.

All The Tools You Need to go From Misery to Outrageously Happy!

You will immediately begin to experience the benefits of a coaching, Pastoral counseling and mentoring relationship with Joel and Kathy. As with any counselor, it can be such a relief to find a couple who understands and cares. Most importantly, we offer Christian marriage solutions that work!
You will learn where abuse comes from and how to end it, why adultery happens and how to get healed, and why some husbands do not inititate romance and sex. You will learn that a narcissistic thinking man CAN change, regardless of the naysayers.
You will not be getting the traditional "Christian" answers that have contributed to the 50% divorce rate in the church. Instead, you will learn revolutionary, completely biblical but "new to you" paradigms of marriage that work!

Do you want thorough and effective help and training to get your marriage healed, whole and happy, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?
We offer powerfully transformative online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time – and grow on your own time.
With every video, you will be challenged and empowered with the correct knowledge that can transform your marriage from misery to outrageously happy!
If your marriage is in crisis, then don't go this alone! Group Marriage calls are available as desired - up to 4 nights each week, supporting what you are learning.
Re-think what is possible in YOUR marriage! You CAN be OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPILY MARRIED!

When you want a seminar or conference to be a success, you need your speaker(s) to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain, and create positive change. You want more than temporary motivation... you want to create permanent transformation!
Whether conducting a seminar, guest speaking at your conference or conducting one of our crown jewel 5-Day Weekend Marriage Intensives, we deliver skill-building, God honoring, life changing content and cutting-edge insights that will educate and energize to greatness in marriage!
If you realize the need to have your leaders equipped to help couples in marital crisis, we are here to help.

Cameron and Jacqueline Merville
"Cameron and I struggled for many years and almost got a divorce. We were 5 years in marriage counseling and saw multiple counselors during that time. In May of 2021, we found ourselves separated. Thankfully, God intervened! The day of our separation we got connected with an amazing marriage ministry that turned everything around for us. That miracle was Joel Kathy Davisson. After just 1 month of connecting with them our marriage made a miraculous turnaround.
Now we have a happy, thriving marriage of 16 years! We both have the marriage of our dreams. We are thriving and happy. Which I know in the Christian circles sometimes to say you have a happy marriage is almost taboo. Especially after the whole “marriage is to make you holy not happy” movement. The truth is that you CAN have a happy marriage!
For example: A few months ago, right before bed, I was telling my husband how one of the kids spilled shredded cheddar all over the office floor and I was going to have to wake up and vacuum in the morning. I was too tired to do it. Next thing I know he got up and vacuumed my whole office for me! And then this morning I wake up to him bringing me breakfast in bed! These are the sort of things a girl could only dream about, but now it’s an everyday occurrence for me. He’s consistently looking for ways to love me and bless our family. Connect up with Joel and Kathy. No matter what your issues are, you too can have a great marriage!
We have now stayed involved for over 18 months. We look forward to meeting YOU! As Joel and Kathy say, you CAN have an Outrageously Happy Marriage!
Update: (February 5. 2023) Jacque and Cameron just gave birth to their” Joel and Kathy” miracle baby! A miracle baby for two reasons: First, because of having 2 heartbreaking miscarriages in the recent past and Second: Because they would have been divorced had God not intervened in their lives in May of 2021 to direct their steps to finding help from Joel and Kathy. Now it is YOUR TURN to get YOUR MIRACLE!"

Jeff and Heather Allen
"August 5, 2007 is a day I will never forget! It’s a day that will forever live in my memories as one of the darkest days of my life.
October 2007, a friend handed us a copy of “The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!” by Joel Kathy Davisson. I remember reading it in one seating! I could not get enough of it! Finally, someone who understood, who validated me, who knew what I was going through and was speaking to my heart!
Easter Weekend (2008) after spending months talking on the group mentoring calls, being on the forums and a few private calls to Joel and Kathy as well. That weekend was a changing point in our lives! It was the first time I ever say my husband cry over the pain that I was in.
The Bible say’s “Live with understanding of your wife, so that your prayers will not be hindered”. Well, I can say that my husband took that to heart! Today he is living in understanding with me...and the blessings have been many and great! I am now in a place that I never knew even existed years ago!
In 2007, I was facing divorce, today I wake knowing how much I am loved by my husband and cannot even fathom being anywhere else on this earth, than beside him! I can say that the journey is never over...but just gets better each and every day!
Update: On July 18th of 2022... we celebrated 30 years of marriage, with 14 of those years living the “Joeland Kathy way!” Our oldest daughter has gotten married, and our youngest is now engaged! They have both read BOTH books as well!
Within these last 14 years, we have moved twice, first to KS, (which was a MAJOR turning point in our marriage... Joel and Kathy had recommended that we move.) I know without a doubt I would have never healed if we had stay where we were. We healed, worked together and helped with this ministry for over 3 years.
On April 2, 2013, I lost my brother to suicide. At the same time my father went into full heart failure, andthen Jeff lost his job. All of this within a six-month period. So, we decided to move back to our hometown in SC. On the same day, April 2, 2014.... My father passed away.
Before our “Joel and Kathy Miracle” this would have probably put me in the mental hospital. But Jeff was so supportive and calm, he was able to help me through all the emotions and listening to my heart. We got through it. While it was painful to lose them both, I knew Jeff was right there beside me!"

Wouldn’t it be great if your ministry were full of awesomely happy marriages?
Wouldn’t it be great if God’s presence and love were so present in your couple’s homes that they would feel like they are experiencing the Glory of God in their homes, all day long, every day?
If you have had too many divorces in your ministry; if you have too many married couples “surviving” marriage instead of thriving in marriage joy and peace.. then you SHOULD be frustrated!
You are their PASTOR! You are their LEADER! This is happening on YOUR watch!
We have compassion for you. You have been reaching into an empty bag and offering “answers” that have not worked.
If you are (rightly) frustrated, PLEASE consider this earth-shaking idea: You MIGHT have embraced the wrong conclusions about marriage, wrong approaches to marriage and wrong ways of teaching marriage.... Yes, that is a possibility!

My healing snuck up on me:
In our bad days, when Joel was in the affair, he wanted to buy the other woman some flowers. (I'll call her Jamie)
Obviously, he couldn't just go out and buy her flowers; everyone would find out they were in an affair.
He bought her flowers and gave them to me. He told her that when she and her husband would come to our apartment, she would know the flowers were "hers."
Sure enough, Jamie and I were in the kitchen making egg rolls after church for dinner. As we came out of the kitchen, I saw the beautiful yellow roses and stopped to smell them. "Wow, these are beautiful. Joel got me flowers." I now know, in hindsight, she was thinking "those are my flowers, not yours."
For those who do not know our story, Joel got into an affair in 1990/1991. They left with the kids on April 1st, 1991. This was the exact day his father left his mom 19 years previous for another woman. Generational curse? Absolutely!

Marriage Myths are sticking their heads back up!
A marriage myth is an idea presented as a marriage "truth" for the last 50 years but instead magnified the problems in Christian marriages.
After teaching how to have an outrageously happy marriage since 2004, there seems to be a resurgence of the failed marriage paradigms of the past.
"Wife only" submits.
Husband "loves" - wife "respects."
Husband is the "leader" (often presented as "servant leader") - wife is the "follower."
Plus, many more.
Recently we attended a meeting where a couple was presenting a wonderful message from the Word of God. During that excellent message, they suddenly pivoted to marriage. Crash and burn!